Monday, May 3, 2010

Days away from graduation

The wait is just almost over! I will graduate on Friday! Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A "B" in Statistics

Yes, it is true, I have passed Statistics!!! I would like to thank all those who helped me pass: James for his undying support, my Mom and Chelle for babysitting, my calculator for adding correctly, and finally my brain for somehow understanding what a gamma is. Thank you all!

A Very, Very Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Andrew was so much fun to watch. He was so happy and excited about all his presents. He was even patient when it was not his turn to open a present. He is the best boy ever!
We had a pretty busy day, first we went to Grammy's house, then to Grandma's house and finally to Great Grandma's house. I was very happy and very tired at the end of the day.
I think my favorite present was seeing how happy James and Andrew were.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beautiful Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year. I just love changing leaves, cooler temperatures and wonderful fall food like homemade donuts and pumpkin chocolate chip bread. I also love fall clothes, sweaters, boots, scarfs. Oh fall is wonderful. Andrew is quite excited about Halloween. And James has been enjoying watching football this fall. Autumn is fun for the whole family. I took these pictures of fall foliage in our back yard.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rain, rain and more rain

There has been so much rain the last couple of days here in Bountiful. To pass the time Andrew and I have been looking out our front window and watching the birds on the bird feeder. Not a bad way to spend a little time. We hope it's not so rainy next week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother Musings

Yesterday was Andrew's last day of preschool. Now he is on summer vacation. Preschool will start up again in the fall. To celebrate the preschool had a field day. We played with bubbles and balls, we ate popsicles and played with a para shoot. It was real fun.
I can't believe Andrew is already through one year of preschool. I had such a hard time getting used to him going, and now he is a first year preschool graduate. It seems like just last week he was a baby.....sob sob.
What a great boy. I'm so lucky to have him.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dinosaur Park

Today Andrew and I went to the Ogden Dinosaur Park. We had a really great time. Adrienne and her two kids came along too. The park is full of dinosaur statues and there is a dinosaur themed playground. There is also a small museum. Andrew's favorite part is on the second floor of the museum, dinosaur robots. He thought it was the greatest thing every and he talked about it the whole way home. It was a fun afternoon.
My goal this summer is too have an outing like this every week. We bought a Aviary membership this week. The membership allows us to get into several places for free, like the zoo, and the train museum. I hope Andrew and I can have an exciting summer.